Eldridge Alexander

Information Security engineer, writer, and trainer. Formerly employed at Duo Labs, Cloudflare and Google. Technologist, magician, designer, musician, videographer, blogger, and avid sweet tea drinker.

Recursive Directory Ebook Converter

Convert entire ebook library in one go

Encrypted Cloudflare DNS on UniFi

Ensuring the entire network uses encrypted DNS.

Online Identity is Complicated

Requiring proof of identity online hurts the marginalized

The Silent AI Overlord is Already Here

The villain AI is here, but it's not what we thought it would be.

Mental Health Treatment Obstacle Course

The only resonable way to navigate mental health treatment is to not have mental illness.

Free Speech and Antitrust

Examining the interplay between free speech, the first amendment, and antitrust.

Manifesting Investing Testing

Using paper trading to test my (almost definitely wrong) market theses.

Synced LUKS Boot and User Passwords

A wrapper tool to use instead of passwd to update user and LUKS passwords simultaneously

This Week's Predictions

A weekly post where I try to guess stuff and keep myself honest

The Machine Lurched

This quote has been stuck in my head ever since public companies pulled out of Georgia at an astonishing rate in response to their new restrictive voter laws.

This Week's Predictions

A weekly post where I try to guess stuff and keep myself honest

Raspberry Pi Soundbar Soundmachine

Building and automating a Raspberry Pi sound machine using Home Assistant and a soundbar without having the TV turn on.